Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Med Ball Warm Ups
Movement of the Week:
Hip Flexor Exercise
6 Mins to perform Every Day
3 rounds 10 reps of each: Right Leg Only, Left Leg Only, and Both Legs at the same time. You can sit against a wall if needed. When working with the right leg sit in a straddle with your left hand placed in between your legs and your right hand outside of your right leg. Switch it for the left leg. When working both legs place both hands in between your legs.
De-load Week
10 Min EMOM
3 Deadlift 65% of 1RM
Happy BDay Alexis Opper 11/29 the big 21!
3 Rounds
29 MB Cleans 20/14
11 pull ups
21 sit ups
400 M Run
Elite Competition Class
1. Clean & Jerk
2. Clean Pulls
3. Front Squat
4. Stamina Conditioning
For time:
Hang Power Cleans + Push Jerks* (135/95#)
*Complete 10 unbroken Hang Power Cleans directly into 10 unbroken Push Jerks, then drop the bar – that is set one. Rest as little as needed to pick up the bar up again and complete 9 reps of each without dropping the bar – that is set 2.