Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
3 Rounds (not for time but you only have 15 mins to complete)
10 Goblet Squats
12 Hip Extenstions
20 Sec Hand Stand Hold
Movement of the Week:
Accumulate 2 mins Each Leg Every Day
Piriformis/Glutes Lax Ball Rolling
“A5 Week” 10 Min Cap
10 Min EMOM
2 Wall Walks
Rotating Tabata with a Partner 45/15 for 12 mins
Back Squat 135/95
Hand Stand Push Ups
Partner A starts on back squats, partner B starts on HSPU. Each partner has 45 secs to get as many reps as possible at the given station. Once the 45 secs is up Partner A has 15 sec to transition to HSPU and Partner B has the same 15 secs to transition to back squats. You will continue to rotate from BS to HSPU for 12 mins.
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
1 mile Run
2K Row
1 mile Run
2. Gymnastics
5×12 unbroken C2B, rest as needed between sets