Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 Mins
2 Rounds:
200 M Run
:30 Hollow Hold
20 Band Lat Press Downs
:30 Handstand Hold
10 / Side – Lateral Box Step Ups
Retest from 9/25
Metcon: 34 Min Cap
“Cass’s 2nd 50th Bday Workout”
For Time:
800 M Run / 1000 Row / 1.4 Mile Bike
10 Handstand Complexes: 1 Wall Walk + 1 Wall Facing HSPU (Same on box)
50 T2B
50 Alternating Goblet Step Ups 50/35 (db or kb – box height is athlete choice)
50 Slam Balls – #25 or less
50 Push Press 75/55
800 M Run / 1000 Row / 1.4 Mile Bike
*Every 5:00 perform dual db/kb farmers carry – door to door around building. First round is at 5:00, NOT 0:00
**Share slam balls. Switch the t2b and slamball order if sharing a ball with a friend
***Your run is capped at 5:00 to start the farmers carry on time. Modify distance as needed.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Wednesday: Legs
1) Heavy Back Squat 5×5 pyramiding
2)Super Set 4×8-12 pyramiding
Narrow Stance Front Squat
RDL 3 Sec Eccentric Phase (light weight)
3)Super Set 3×8-12
Leg Curl (Finish with a 4 set of single leg Max Effort drop set)
Leg Extensions (Finish with a 4 set of single leg ME drop set)
5)Single Leg Hip Press 4×8-12
6)Close Stance Hack Squats 21’s
7 half to bottom reps
7 half to top reps
7 full range reps
7)Finisher 3sets
50’ Weighted Back Rack Walking Lunges
Olympic Lifting
Shoulder Warm Up: 8 Mins
Coach Lead
Technique: 12 Mins
5 Min Clean Set Up
3 x 5 Clean lift off – tempo
3 x 5 Clean Panda Pull – Tempo to hip pocket
3 x 5 Tempo Squat Clean – Fast under the bar
Strength: 20 Mins
3 x 3 Squat Clean & Jerk
*around 70-80%
CSU Hockey
Warm Up: 8 Mins
2 mins /side Lax Ball Lats
10 Air squats
10 Push Ups
10 Wallballs
10 Burpee
Strength: 20 Mins
Week “B” AKA Unilateral Isometric Body Balancing
Station 1
Giant Set:
3 sets
X-Band Lateral Walks video or Monster Band Lateral Walks video
**full length of the gym down and back (east-west) do not drag your feet**
12-15 /leg KB Split Stance Deadlift video
12-15 /leg Single Leg Hip Thrust video add weight to your lap if needed
90 seconds rest between sets
Metcon: 15 Min Cap
5 Rounds
12 Wall Balls
10 Floor Press
Every Min On The Min Stop what you are doing and preform 5 Burpees (including Min 0:00)
Metcon: 12 Min Cap
Floor Press
Lateral Bar Jumps