When the weight is so heavy it causes squishy faces.
Come Get Some! 1 Rep Max Deadlift Day.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 0:00 – 40:00
Deadlift warm up sets and mobility
Perform mobility between strength sets
Strength: 40 Mins
1 Rep Max
Home Wod: 12 Min
Three 2-minute rounds and one 3-minute round with one minute rest between each of:
45 Double unders or 45 Single Unders
10/7-calorie Row, Bike, Ski
Max-reps of burpee box jump overs 24/20
Metcon: 12 Min
Three 2-minute rounds and one 3-minute round with one minute rest between each of:
45 Double unders or 45 Single Unders
10/7-calorie Row, Bike, Ski
Max-reps of burpee box jump overs 24/20
Elite Competition Class
Performance Power Training
Thursday, Nov 19th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Bench then an an all around UBB index of 7.5
Jet Fuel:
3mins get warm anyway
1min Plank, 1 pushup every 6 seconds (10 total)
20 facepulls
-Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Bench Press vs Bands
Max 3
Pause (1) Rep
Fast last (2) reps
1xAMRAP @80% no pause
-Supinated BB Drag rows https://youtu.be/SUrcyZIGEqE (video shows pronated (palms down. Switch palms up, or supinated. Pay attention to how the barbell “drags along the thighs and meets in the hip crease, not any higher on the torso).
4×12 heavy
-Single Arm DB Lateral Raises
4×20 (each)
-DB Hammer Curls
-DB Skull Crusher
12 Min EMOM:
Min, A – One set max Strict Pullups, 30 seconds Ring Rows
Min, B – Rest
Min, C – 20 Burpees
Min, D – Rest
*Repeat 3X*