Today we celebrate the Marine Corps 245th Birthday by performing
U.S. Marine Corps 1st Lt. James R. Zimmerman, 25, of Aroostook, Maine, assigned to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died on Nov. 2, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
He is survived by his wife, Lynel Winters; parents, Tom and Jane; sister, Megan; and brother, Christian.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 Mins
2 Rounds
10 Deadlift
8 Strict Press
6 Pull Ups
Strength: 12 Mins (De-load Week)
Strict Press 90% + 10lbs of your 1RM to calculate load
40% X 5
50% X 5
60% X 5
When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with
that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.
Home WOD: 25 Min Cap
Partner “Zimmerman”
25 Min AMRAP
11 C-2-B Pull Ups
2 Deadlift 315/220
10 Handstand Push Ups
In teams of two with one person working at a time. Athletes may switch out as needed while splitting movements and reps as evenly as possible, alternating through until time expires. Only one person can work at a time. YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE AND USE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT. This workout can be done solo with equal work rest time e.g. if it takes 50 secs to get through your first round rest 50 secs, then if it takes a 90 sec for your second round then rest 90 secs. Note: rest no less than 15 Seconds and no more than 40 sec.
Metcon: 25 Min Cap
Partner “Zimmerman”
25 Min AMRAP
11 C-2-B Pull Ups
2 Deadlift 315/220
10 Handstand Push Ups
In teams of two with one person working at a time complete as many rounds/reps as possible n 25 mins. Athletes may switch out as needed while splitting movements and reps as evenly as possible.
YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE AND USE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT. This workout can be done solo with equal work rest time e.g. if it takes 50 secs to get through your first round rest 50 secs, then if it takes a 90 sec for your second round then rest 90 secs. Note: rest no less than 15 Seconds and no more than 40 sec.
Elite Competition Class
Performance Power Training
Tuesday, NOV 10th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Back to the Block pulls today, then some weighted lateral action and some explosiveness from jump squats
Jet Fuel:
3 mins to accumulate 30 cals bike
Single Arm DB DL
3×5 (each)
Sumo Squat/Narrow Squat
3×5 (each) *walking laterally, alternate between wide feet squat and narrow stance squat*
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Deadlift Block Pulls vs Bands (4”)
Max 1
1xAMRAP @80%
-Weighted lateral stepups
4×8 (each)
-Max Height Jump Squats
-Heavy Sled Drag
100m Heavy
5min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squat
**5 burpee penalty for every drop of the KB. Stopping, holding, readjusting the kb counts as a drop. Accumulated penalty burpees will be performed AFTER the amrap is over, not during**