Thank you all for coming out to our 9th anniversary Halloween Party!
Amazing turnout with great costumes and all the fun!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 Mins
4 Round Tabata :20/:10 Air Squats
20 Pull Aparts
10 OH Squats or Front Squats
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Hang Power Snatch
20 Pull Aparts
Strength: 18 Mins
3 x Superset ~ 65% 1RM for each movement
8 Overhead Squats + 10 Back Squats
8 Front Squats + 10 Back Squats
*Athletes should change the weights for each movement with minimal rest time between. PVC OH Squats w/ a pause are acceptable
Metcon: 12 Min Cap
Option 1: “Invasion of the Barbell Snatchers” Aka “Isa-Grace”
For Time:
30 Snatch 135/95
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
Option 2: “Isabelle”
30 Snatch 135/95
Option 3: “Grace”
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Chest and Biceps Volume
Bench Press
4)Giant Set 2×20
Cable Scraper Bicep Curls
Cable Skull Crusher Bicep Curls (high to low)
Giant Set 2×20
Alternating DB Bench Press
DB Crush Press
Incline Bench EZ Bar Preacher Curls
Super Set 2×20
DB Decline Barrel Press
DB Decline Fly
2 Sets Push Up Ladder
10 Wide Grip (turn hands out)
10 Smith Machine Low W/Wide hands (index fingers on loops or wider)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky fingers on loops)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky on edge of knurling)
10 Smith Machine Same Level Reverse Grip (index fingers on edge of knurling)
Alt DB Curls (to failure)