Our annual Halloween / Anniversary party is this Saturday! Get your halloween costumes ready and don’t forget your party pants!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
3 Inchworm Flows – 1 = downdog -> updog -> scorpion twist (video) > push ups
Then 2 Rounds:
10 Deadbugs
10 prone press (2.5-10#)
3 Negative HSPUs
10/leg 45 deg banded kickbacks
10 RDLs
Metcon: 8 Min Cap
Deadlift 225/155
Strength: 22 Mins
Every 3:00 x 3 Rounds
3 x 15 Back Squat
2-3 x Superset
15 Back Rack Cyclist Squats OR 8/side Back Rack Lunges
15-20 Dual Sumo KB 3/4 DL
2:00 Rest Between Sets
*Place KBs in center of gym and use the weight that is right for you
Functional Bodybuilding Class
A WEEK: Heavy week
Monday: Chest and Biceps:
1)Heavy Bench Press 5×5 pyramiding
2)Giant Set 3×8-12 pyramiding
Isometric Push Up (Wipers) Or Push Ups with a 3-5 sec pause at the bottom
Single Arm DB Bicep Curl (Preacher)
DB Bench Press
3)Drop Set x3 sets
Incline DB Bench Press
3/5/7/9+9 Flys
4)Giant Set 3×8-12
Cable Scraper Bicep Curls
DB Decline Bench Press
Cable Skull Crusher Bicep Curls (high to low)
5)Giant Set 3×8-12
DB Pull Overs
DB Crusher Press
Cable Cross Over (low to high)
1 Set ME Bench Press Breathing Set
1×8-10 w/ 5 sec Eccentric/Concentric Bicep Curl
Alternative Finisher:
Push Up Ladder
10 Wide Grip (turn hands out)
10 Smith Machine Low W/Wide hands (index fingers on loops or wider)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky fingers on loops)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky on edge of knurling)
10 Smith Machine Same Level Reverse Grip (index fingers on edge