We hope you all had a great New Years weekend! With new regulations across Colorado, our classes will be returning to 60 minutes with a 15 athlete cap!! 3:20 p.m will also be a CF class and not solely open gym.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
6:00 Circuit:
10 / Side Standing Lateral Leg Lifts
10 / Side X-Band Walks
10 / Side Donkey Kicks – Video
10 Goblet Squats w/ pause at bottom
Strength/Technique: 15 mins
High Hang Squat Clean – Video
Review Tempo Squat Clean
8 Min EMOM:
Min 1,2,3: 5 High Hang Squat Clean – Video
Min 4-8: 3 Tempo Squat Cleans (50-75%)
*modify to power cleans as needed
Mobility: 5 Mins
2:00 / Side LAX Roll Glutes
Home WOD: 12 Min Cap
Alternative workout to the Metcon:
12 Min EMOM
Odd: 8-12 Burpees
Even: 4 / Side DB Power Clean + 4 / Side DB Thrusters
Metcon: 15 Mins
15 Min EMOM
Min 1: 18/14 Cal Row
Min 2: 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Front Squats + 5 S2OH
Min 3: Rest
*Perform the second minute as an unbroken complex. Increase weight each round if possible. Aim for the heaviest unbroken complex possible with good technique.