Kody and Kyle and the enter CFDNR family are sad to say Coach Cassandra will be moving to the Denver area in Feb. January will be her last month of coaching. That said she will still be a team captain for the CF Open and throwing down with us each week!
Cass, we miss you already. Thank you for being a massive part of CFDNR over the past 8 almost 9 years. You first came to us on May 31st 2016 and we quickly found out how amazing and Bad Ass you are! You are the longest running female athlete at DNR with over 3000 confirmed class visits, more than any athlete in the history of DNR! You help build and lead our competitor program proving that ladies can not only lift with the boys but out lift them! We can not begin to explain, how proud we are of you and wish you all the best moving forward. The only regret we have when it comes to you…. Is not asking you to be a coach sooner. You have proven to be not just a sensational athlete but an amazing Coach. You will always be a CFDNR Hooligan, this is your home and you are always welcome to come throw down with us anytime you are in town. We hope we get to see you often as we know you still work in Fort Collins!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
20 Banded Pass Throughs
20 Banded Pull Aparts
20 Banded Lat Press Down
20 Banded Row
:20 Active Hang
10 Jefferson Curls
10 Hang Cleans
10 Ring Rows
:20 Active Hang
Mobility: 10 Mins
90 Sec /side Lax Roll Chest/Shoulder
90 Sec /side Lax Roll Lats
Strength: 10 mins
Gymnastic Strength
6 Min EMOM
Every Other Min:
Option 1:
3-5 Complex (complex = 2 Strict Pull Ups + 2 Kipping Pull Ups + 2 C-2–B + 2 MU)
Option 2:
3-5 Complex (complex – 2 Strict Pull Ups + 2 Kipping Pull Ups + 2 C-2–B + 2 T-2-B)
(Hardest Variation jumping, bands, no bands, bar or rings)
Metcon: 10 Min Cap
Deadlift 115/75
Hang Clean 115/75
S2OH 115/75
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week “B” Volum Shoulders:
1)Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press 4×25
2)Giant Set: 3×8-12
DB Bent Over Rear Raises
DB Lateral Raises
DB Front Raises
3)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Seated DB Lateral Raises
4)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Cable Single Arm Lateral Raises
Cable Single Arm Front Raise
Cable Single Arm Rear Extension
5)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Car Drivers
Up Right Rows
Cable High Row (face pulls w/rope or individual handles)
6)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Arnold Press
Seated DB Bent Over Rear Raises
7)Finisher: 1xME Drop Set
Front DB Raises
Later DB Raises
Ladies Hour:
Warm Up:
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
20 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Alt Lunges
10 KB Swings
5 Burpees
Strength: 10 Mins
3 Rounds = 7.5 Mins
30 Secs Hollow Rocks or Holds
30 Secs Reverse Crunch
30 Secs Plank Tuck Ups video
30 Secs Mountain Climbers
30 Sec Rest
Metcon: 9 mins
9 Kettlebell Swings
9 Burpees
9 Kettlebell Swings
9 Box Jumps