We hope you had a great New Years and are ready to get back with it!
Also, I feel like the Hooligans have a right to decide: Who had/has the better Mullet, Val Cochrane or Kody Knapp?
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 mins
2:00 PVC ROM
250 M Row
10 Clean & Jerks
2:00 Hip & Ankle Opener
Strength: 18 mins
Split Jerk Technique: 5 Mins
5 Rounds on the 2:00
2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans + 2 Split Jerks
~75% 1 RM
Metcon: 14 Min Cap
Versus Workout: Each Athlete Completes 3 Full Rounds
Athlete 1: 500/400 M Row
Athlete 2: Clean & Jerk (115/75)
Elite Competition Class
Rest Day
Performance Power Training
Thursday, January 2nd, 2020
1 min Max reps burpees
:30 or max time handstand hold (whichever is shorter)
5 (each way) lateral Spiderman’s
Major Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Floor Press vs. Chains
Max 1
**M-3chains, L-2chains**
**Compare to max 3, November 28th**
12 Single Arm DB Row
12 Barbell Curl → Press
Max Reps Bar or bench Dips (no rings)
4 Rounds (3min on, 1min off)
3 Hang Power Snatch AHAP+Unbroken+5/10lbs from last week
6 Pushups
6 Box jumps (24/20)
**Intervals get longer, rest gets shorter this week.
**Add 5-10lbs over last week’s snatch but must remain unbroken**
**Scale pushups by elevating (no knees) then scale reps if needed**
**People should be getting 6 rounds, meaning GO FAST**