Elite Competition Class
Hang Power Snatch Technique
5 Sets:
3 Hang Muscle Snatches
2 Pausing Snatch Grip Push Jerks
Technique Loads:
Set 1: 30% of 1RM Snatch
Set 2: 35%
Sets 3-5: 40%
Working lighter loads of Hang Power Snatch Technique before we build to heavier weights in our next pieceThese 5 reps across the 5 sets are designed to be completed without dropping the bar
The Hang Muscle Snatch is designed to work a strong hip extension and fast upper body turnove
The PausIng Snatch Grip Push Jerk is designed to work on getting under the bar fast and receiving the weight in a balanced position
Pause for 2 seconds in both the dip and catch of the Pausing Snatch Grip Push Jerk
Rest as needed between sets
Click Here For a Demo Video of the Complex
Warmup Sets
Take 3-5 Set to Build to Opening 30%
Hang Power Snatch
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
30% Max Ring Muscle-ups
3-3-2-2-1 Hang Power Snatches
Working gymnastics and weightlifting in this interval piece
You’ll start each set by completing 30% of your max set of Ring Muscle-ups
For Example: If your max set is 10, you’ll complete 3 reps each round
These ring muscle-ups are ideally completed unbroken
After the ring muscle-ups, you’ll complete a set number of hang power snatches
Rounds 1-2: 3 Reps
Round 3-4: 2 Reps
Round 5: 1 Reps
Start between 60-65% of your estimated 1RM Snatch for the sets of 3 and steadily build to a heavy single
The aim for your heavy single is to approach the area of 75-85%, all based on feel
After your Hang Power Snatches, you’ll rest until the next round begins
Rounds begin on the 0:00 – 1:30 – 3:00 – 4:30 – 6:00
Your score is the heaviest Hang Power Snatch weight lifted
Ring Muscle-ups
Reduce Percentage
Strict Banded Ring Muscle-up Drill Video
Warmup Sets
Gradually Build to Opening Set (Around 60-65% 1RM Snatch)
*After Each Weight Build: 1-2 Ring Muscle-ups
“Group Hug”
5 Rounds:
3 Rope Climbs
1,000 Meter Erg Bike
7-6-5-4-3 Hang Power Snatches
Weight Increases Each Round:
Weight 1: 135/95
Weight 2: 155/105
Weight 3: 165/115
Weight 4: 185/125
Weight 5: 205/135