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October 1, 2017 by thao

Steve Nichols


Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?

Successes…. oh, sweet. I used to be about as limber as a 2″x4″ and fatigued with regular shoulder, hip, and knee pains. DNR coaches have been amazing at fixing all of that for me with routine stretching, physical therapy exercises, and the regular strength training. Now, zero pain! Well, except for the normal being sore often after workouts. Thanks for that.

The personal success story I often share with friends that are hesitant to try CrossFit is my initial journey into these workouts four years ago. Following my three-week intro class, it took another two months or so before I felt like I was done being sore seven days a week and noticing a physical improvement. I weighed myself before I started the Liberty Class and then again three months later to find that I had lost 18 pounds. …all with honestly saying I hadn’t changed my diet for the better like I probably should have done. That’s when my addiction started!

Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?

Working out brings a challenge to stay motivated and persistent. I find that I now plan my busy weekly schedule around my CrossFit workouts. Basic functional movements in life such as walking up/down stairs, getting in and out of a chair, or even just lifting something onto a shelf, are easier to do. Overall, I find more energy in my daily life, my stress level has decreased, and find that I sleep better at night.

Also, life changed a little one time when I saw Kody do a front flip while wearing a dress. Just sayin’… https://youtu.be/DyAoLT6WC2A

Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?

Kody had been hounding me about this CrossFit stuff for many years. I didn’t believe the hype, I didn’t want to injure myself, but I also knew that I didn’t have the drive to kick my own butt at a regular gym, so I gave in and tried it out. I enjoy the group style workouts, being surrounded by those that share the same challenges, and the desire to become healthier.

I’m the type that loses interest with the same ol’ routine. The constant challenges, variation, encouragement, and support, make is easy to be motivated to continually push myself.

Q4. What advice can you give to others?

Results, mentally and physically, don’t come right away, no matter how hard you work. Be patient.

If this CrossFit stuff was easy, everyone would do it. Even if you don’t think you’ve made progress, you have.

Pick movements that you don’t like, or can’t do well, and spend a little extra time doing them. Josh Murphy one time told me that “burpees suck but burpees make you better”. I wanted to ninja slide tackle him when he said that but he was correct. I hated those things but now I kinda’ like them. Wait, I don’t know if I meant to say that.

Finally, always work out on Mondays, no matter what! If you start the week out right, it’s easier to finish the week the same way.

Athlete Specific Q. Is it time to have the calibration checked on your Taser, if yes, who would you like to test it on?

Oh boy. I would love to give Kody a ride on the 5-second Taser train. It’s known that some people lose bodily function during the shock so I would just ask him to wear a diaper. That’s all.



    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


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    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

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