Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?
It’s hard for me to pick a greatest success. Double unders, Kipping Pull-Ups, Bar Muscle -Ups, these are all things I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do. My greatest success is having the confidence to attack and conquer the things I didn’t think were possible. I’m now in the best shape of my life and love the energy I get from it.
Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?
I’m definitely a happier, healthier, more out-going, confident, focused and motivated person in all aspects of my life because of CrossFit
Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?
I love the diversity of the workouts with everyday being different. I’ve never been more motivated before a workout or felt as accomplished after. But without a doubt the best part of CrossFit is the people, sense of community and the motivation they give me to keep going.
Q4. What advice can you give to others?
Keep going. You’ll never know what you’re capable of unless you go for it.
Athlete Specific Q.
1) Did you feel more powerful with your mustache?
2) What famous actor would you say you look most like?
A) Tom Selleck
B) Hulk Hogan
C) Ned Flanders
3) Why in the WORLD did you shave it off?
1) I fully credit the power-stache for getting my first Bar Muscle-ups
2) It was Ned Flanders for sure
3) It interfered with my eating ribs and drinking Guinness