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Sunday, Oct 7 2018 - CrossFit DNR

Palm Beach’s most inclusive event. Teams of same gender pairs. Divisions include: Rx, Scaled, Masters (minimum age 35, but must have a combined age of 80+ years) and BEGINNERS! $130 “early” registration includes BOTH members of the team. Sponsors are donating prizes to individual event winners as well as podium finishers. There will be events that allow every athlete to participate, but give even the best athletes a hefty challenge!

Sunday, Oct 7 2018 – CrossFit DNR


Workout 1a

4 minutes of max front squats
Team can place any weight on the bar that they choose from the plates provided in their lifting station. Weight on bar must be verified with the judge prior to start of 4 minutes.Once WOD has started you cannot change the weight on the bar. Bars cannot be passed between partners.Score = # of reps X weight on the bar Rest 2 minutes

Workout 1b

ime Limit 4 minutes
Max Plank hold (details to follow)

Score= Total time of both partners, max 4 minutes each


300 Jump Rope Singles

There will be a 300 single-under buy in split any way between the partners. Then the workout will be performed as a follow the leader. Each partner must complete an entire round, then the other partner must do the same.

Example, after the 300 single-unders are completed, partner 1 performs 1 Push Press and 2 box jump overs. Partner 1 must tag Partner 2. Then Partner 2 will perform 1 Push Press and 2 box jump overs. Partner 2 tags Partner 1 who then performs 2 Push Presses and 4 box jump overs. This continues until the 10 minute time runs out.

Shoulder to Overhead (45/75)

Shoulder to Overhead. Bar must start and return to the rack position before and after each completed repetition. The movement must finish with both arms extended overhead, elbows locked and arms aligned with the athlete’s ears.

Box Step Overs (20/24)

Box jump overs, athletes are permitted to do box jumps or step ups. A completed rep counts when both feet touch the ground on the opposite side of the box where the movement started from.

Scoring = Total reps performed


Row for calories (15/20 cals) each partner

50 Kettle bell swings (25/35)

50 Deadlifts (95/135)

50 Sit ups

40 Partner Med Ball Toss over the Wall then burpee

(8/14) total

50 Knee Tucks (total)

Row for calories (15/20 cals) each partner

Workout starts with each partner having to complete their entire calorie assignment before switching partners on the row. Foot and damper settings of the rower are a decision of the athletes.Only the row has a partner assigned workload, all other movements can be split however the teams see fit.

Partner Med Ball Toss with burpee. Each partner will stand on one side of the wall. In order to receive the toss you must 1st complete a burpee. So, partner 1 starts with the ball. Partner 2 must complete a burpee. Partner 1 must complete a full depth squat with the medicine ball, knees below parallel and toss the ball over the 9’ wall to their partner. Partner 2 catches the ball (hopefully). Partner 1 must then complete a burpee and Partner 2 must do a full squat to depth and then toss the ball back over the wall to Partner 1. If the ball lands or hist a partner prior to that partner completing their burpee, the ball must be passes back and the attempt must happen again. (we’ll do a video)

Hip tucks. At the top, both knees must rise above the level of the hip crease. At the bottom, feet must go behind the imaginary line of the rig uprights.

Terms and Conditions for trial week

You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

    Still Have A Question?

    We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!