Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Burgener Warm Up
Movement of the Week:
Accumulate 5 mins Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Hand Stand Holds
I want to see pictures on social media outlets of you all hanging somewhere other than the gym. Have fun with it!
“A3 Week”
Dead Lift
1 x 5 @ 75% + 5lbs
2 x 3 @ 85% + 5lbs
3 x 1 @ 95% + 5lbs
Teams of 3
400 M Farmer Carry 53/35
90 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
90 Burpee Lat Jump
150 Cal Row
90 WB Sit Ups
90 Ring Rows
400 M Farmer Carry 53/35
On 3.2.1. Go All three athletes will walk together switching out on the Farmer Carry as needed. Once the Carry is completed athletes will work one at a time switching out as needed. You may not advance to the next movement until all reps have been completed at the current station.
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
30 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
30 Cal Row
30 TTB
2. Skill Conditioning
300 Double Unders for time