Today we honor a local Hero. Lt. Blake Woockman of the Air Force lived in Northern Colorado and served in Wyoming. Woockman passed away at the age of 26 due to complications with a lung infection after being transported to another hospital where he was supposed to receive a transplant. Blake served with the 321st Missle Squadron where he defended 97 alerts, 4 as a crew commander and oversaw 10 nuclear missiles. 5/16/91 – 9/16/17
Warm Up: 5 Min
40 DU or 2 Min Practice
15 Barbell Pendlay Rows
15 Push Ups
1 Min Plank
Technique / Strength: 10 Mins
Split Jerks – 3×3 w/ 2 sec pause on 3rd rep (70%+)
Or 10 Min Technique
Metcon: “Woockman” – 20 Min Cap
For Time:
Buy In: 97 Double Unders – 194 Singles
Then 4 Rounds
5 Muscle Ups or 10 Strict Dips
16 Thrusters (75/55)
26 Sit Ups
Stretch: Until end of class
Legs & Hips or athlete choice
Elite Competition Class
1) Squat Clean: 15 Mins
4 x 5 Across
2-3 Sec Pause Active Receiving Position – Drop bar between reps
2) Front Squats: 15 Mins
4 x 5 Increasing Weight Each Set
Shoot For Heaviest Load Every Round – Not Increasing unless necessary
3) Conditioning
10-1: 135/95 Strict Press
Alternating with
50, 45,40..5 Double Unders