Freedom WOD Classes
Nuero Mobility
Wall Ball Hot potato!
6 min EMOM
Front Squats at 60% of 1RM x 5 reps
Squat Clean
60% x 5
65% x 5
70% x 5
Happy Birthday Chris P. 9-25-71 44yrs old
15 min AMRAP
90 m run
25 Snatch 45/35
71 WB Russian Twist 20/14
44 Lunges 45/35
Elite Competition Class
1. Squat
EMOMx10: 1 Back Squat
2. Conditioning
10 Power Snatch, 105/75
10 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
3. Rowing
5 rounds of :20 for max effort, 1:40 rest
rest 3 minutes
4 rounds of :15 for max effort, 1:15 rest
rest 3 minutes
3 rounds of :10 for max effort, :50 rest