Bring a Friend WOD Day
Free Yoga:
Free Partner Metcon:
“Partners Gone Bad”
15:00 AMRAP Of 40 Reps At Each Station
Wallballs (20/14)
Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Box Jumps 24/20
Push Press 55/40
Double Unders 2:1 Singles
You may Split the Reps up as you wish but must finish all reps at the given station to be able to move to the next station.
In-House Competitions:
WOD 1:
12 min AMPAP (Points) 155/110 115/75
Snatch = 7 pts
Thruster = 5 pts
GTOH = 4 pts
Clean = 3 pts
Deadlift = 1 pts
WOD 2:
Strong Man
40 M Truck Pull
40 M Tire Flip with jump throughs
80 M Sled Push
80 M Farmer Carry 70/53
WOD 3:
3 Rounds
500 M Row
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Burpees Box Jumps