Marie, Cass and Annie are a team of Knappsdottirs competing in the Girls Gone Rx competition at Elitches this Saturday!! Girls Gone Rx raises money for the organization called Bright Pink (@bebrightpink) benefitting research and early detection. As a part of the Knappsdottirs competition, they get a score for how much money is raised by their team! Help these girls out and help out a great organization by donating to their team!
Warm Up: 5 Mins
Plate Warm Up
Mobility: 10 Mins
Roll T-Spine – Peanut Balls or Foam Roller – 3 Mins
Roll Upper Traps – Lax ball – 2 mins/side
*Bring Shoulders Through ROM for both*
10 Min EMOM
3 Power Snatch (135/95 or 70%) or 5 (95/65 or 50%)
35 Double Unders / 35 Singles / 10 DU 20 Singles
Optional Conditioning:
4 Round Partner Row Intervals
Alternate 250 M Row Sprints or .4 Miles Bike
*Reset monitor after each interval*
Elite Competition Class
1) Deadlift 15 mins
4 x 5 Increase weight each set
2) Conditioning:
5 Rounds For Time:
8 / leg OH Lunges (115/75)
5 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Unbroken DU