Freedom WOD Classes
“Junkyard dog” warm up
6 min EMOM
Back Squat at 70% of 1RM x 5 reps
60% x 5
65% x 5
70% x 5
12 min AMRAP:
7 KB Swings 53/35
7 Toes to Bar
7 Hang Power Clean 95/65
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
50 Calorie Row
50 Abmat Sit ups
50 Deadlifts, 135/95
35 Calorie Row
35 Abmat Sit ups
35 Deadlifts, 135/95
20 Calorie Row
20 Abmat Sit ups
20 Deadlifts, 135/95
2. Snatch Complex
5 sets of: Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS, climbing
3. Gymnastics
Odd: 2 Strict HSPU
Even: 4 Kipping HSPU
Don’t do more reps – try to improve efficiency, positioning and increase cycle times.