Freedom WOD Classes
Quad Smash
Shoulder Smash
3 Rounds (fight Gone Bad style) one min max effort at each station.
Double Unders
Power snatch 75/55
Box jump 24
Thruster 75/55
Rest one min
Elite Competition Class
1. Clean Jerk
A. AMRAP in 2:00 of Clean and Jerks at 245/165
Rest 2-3 mins
B. AMRAP in 1:45 of Clean and Jerks at 225/155
Rest 2-3 mins
C. AMRAP in 1:30 of Clean and Jerks at 205/145
Rest 2-3 mins
D. AMRAP in 1:15 of Clean and Jerks at 185/135
Rest 2-3 mins
E. AMRAP in :45 of Clean and Jerks at 135/95
2. Squat
EMOMx10: 1 Back Squat, across
3. Rowing
2 rounds of:
4x500m at 2K Pace, :30 rest between efforts
3 min rest between rounds