Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
2:00 Row / Bike
12 Band Good Mornings
6 / Side Alt. Plank w/ shoulder tap – 2 second pause hand to shoulder
12 Squats
6 Scap Pull Ups – 2 second pause
12 Kip Swings
Conditioning: 16 Min Cap
8 Min Row / Bike
0:00-2:00 70%
2:00-4:00 80%
4:00-6:00 90%
6:00-8:00 80%
Then 3 Rounds: For Quality, not time
12-15 / Side DB Plank Press
15 / Side – Side Plank Hip Lift
Metcon: 18 Mins
18 Min AMRAP
750/600 M Row
Odd Object Carry – Start in your lane, walk out the E Door and back in through the W door
15 T2B
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Wednesday: Legs
1) Heavy Back Squat 5×5 pyramiding
2)Super Set 4×8-12 pyramiding
Narrow Stance Front Squat
RDL 3 Sec Eccentric Phase (light weight)
3)Super Set 3×8-12
Leg Curl (Finish with a 4 set of single leg Max Effort drop set)
Leg Extensions (Finish with a 4 set of single leg ME drop set)
5)Single Leg Hip Press 4×8-12
6)Close Stance Hack Squats 21’s
7 half to bottom reps
7 half to top reps
7 full range reps
7)Finisher 3sets
50’ Weighted Back Rack Walking Lunges
Olympic Lifting
Shoulder Warm Up: 8 Mins
5:00 Shoulder Stretch
2 x 10 Push Press @ 50-60%
Technique: 15 Mins
5:00 Footwork Practice
3 x 8 Jerk Balance – Light Weight
3 x 8 Pressing Split Jerk – Light Weight
Strength: 20 Mins
5-3-3-2-2 Split Jerk
*Build to 70-80%
3 Sets of:
:20-:30 Hold in split jerk @ 60-70%
CSU Hockey
Warm Up: 8 Mins
Pizza Delivery – 4 Mins
2 Rounds:
E-W-E Band Monster Walk
10 / Side Long Lever Hip Bridge
10 / Side Jane Fonda Leg Lifts
Technique & Hip Assessment: 18 Mins
5:00 Hip Assessment
Russian KBS / KB DL
Metcon: 14 Mins
14 Min Partner AMRAP:
Athlete 1: Row 250 M
Athlete 2 AMRAP:
6 Box Jumps
8 Wallballs
10 Russian KBS or KB DL