Freedom WOD Classes
De-Load Week
Bench Press using 90% of your 1RM + 5lbs to calculate load
40% X 5
50% X 5
60% X 5
15 Min Partner AMRAP
One Partner Begins with a Deadlift Static Hold (135/95)
While the other partner performs:
9 Pull ups
7 Push ups
50 M run
You can not set the deadlift bar down until your partner has completed a full round, Every time you drop the bar = 1 penalty (5 burpees) performed immediately after the 15 min AMRAP.
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
EMOMx10: 1 Squat Snatch from Low Hang (below knees), climbing
2. Snatch Skills
A. 3×2 Snatch Grip Push Press from behind neck
B. 10×1 Pause OHS – 10 second hold at rock bottom
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
5 sets of: 4 strict + 4 kipping HSPU without coming off the wall, minimal rest between sets
4. Conditioning
300 Meter Row
30 Wallballs, 20/14