We’re going to try rope climbs in the regular class for the first time, hope you’re ready.
Warm Up: 5 Mins
DU Flight Simulator
Gymnastics Technique / Strength: 5 Mins
5 Min EMOM of:
1-8 MU
Or 3-8 Dips (Hardest Variation Possible)
Olympic Technique and Repetition: Jerk – 13 Mins
4-5 Mins of Coach Led Barpath- 2 sec pause in Split Catch
8 Mins of Split Jerk Repetition @ 50-60% w/ Same Pause
Teach Rope Climb: 5 Min
Metcon: 12 Min
12 Min AMRAP – Strength Option and Cardio Option
25 Air Squats
10 Dips
*1 Min of the AMRAP you will perform as many rope climbs as possible*
Elite Competition Class
1) Front Squat 15 Mins
10 Min EMOM x 1 Rep @ 90%
2) Clean and Jerks 15 Mins
10 min EMOM x 1 reps + 1 Jerk @ 90%
Full Clean and Jerk
3) Conditioning
15-12-9 For Time:
Thruster 135/95
500 M Row