Turkey Challenge Online Qualifier opened yesterday! Let us know if you are signing up and we will schedule a time for all the athletes to throw down together!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm up – 6 Mins
3 Min Pizza Delivery
*3 Burpee Penalty
Then: 1 Min / Side Samson Stretch
S&C: 8 Mins
8 Min EMOM:
Odd: 8 Hang Power Snatch (60%)
Even: 50 DU or :40 M.E
Mobility: 8 Mins
2 Min / Side T-Spine Mobility
1 Min / Side Calf Smash
1 Min / Side Calf Stretch
Metcon: 9 Mins
“15.1” 9 Min AMRAP
15 TTB
10 DL (115/75)
5 Power Snatch (115/75)
New Athlete Option
15 Sit Ups
10 KB DL
Elite Competition Class
Active Rest Day
Performance Power Training
Thursday, August 29th, ME UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
10 Pushups
10 Pullups
10 Situps
10 Cal Row
Major Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
Wht/Blu: Manpon Press
Max 1
1xAMRAP @80%
**If you don’t have a manpon, you can either roll up two yoga mats, or put an abmat on your chest, and use it to create momentum and limit ROM slightly
**Compare to max 2 on July 25th**
-2xDB Iron Cross Static Hold For max time
30 seconds each side, single arm seated bandy row
15 DB Kickbacks
20 bandy Curls
12 Min AMRAP:
2 Power Snatch AHAP
4 Pullups
8 Plyo-pushup
*Goal is more than 4 rounds
*Scale power snatch to hang power if needed.
*Bands ok for pullups
*Plyo pushups are done by performing a regular pushup on the ground and popping up onto 45lb plates, returning hands to the floor and then repeating the reps. https://youtu.be/2AuSChp0o_g