July 2, 2017 by thao



The Gym will be closed on Tuesday the 4th. But you can still get your workout on, Join the CFDNR Hooligans in running the Firecracker 5K July 4th. Wear your best Red, White, and Blue!!!


Warm Up: 5 mins
400 M Run
15 Hollow Body Kip Swings
15 Push Ups

Strength: 12 mins
3×8 Giant sets climbing as Heavy as possible (AHAP)
Bench Press
DB Alternating Curl
DB Flies

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, outdoor and text

Nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona.
The Yarnell Hill Fire, ignited by lightning on June 28, 2013, it overran and killed 19 City of Prescott firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots – resulting in the deadliest wildfire ever in Arizona.

In Memory Of
Jesse Steed, 36

Wade Parker, 22
Joe Thurston, 32
William Warneke, 25
John Percin, 24
Clayton Whitted, 28
Scott Norris, 28
Dustin Deford, 24
Sean Misner, 26
Garret Zuppiger, 27
Travis Carter, 31
Grant McKee, 21
Travis Turbyfill, 27
Andrew Ashcraft, 29
Kevin Woyjeck, 21
Anthony Rose, 23
Eric Marsh, 43
Christopher MacKenzie, 30
Robert Caldwell, 23

Metcon: 30 Mins
Hotshots 19
Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power clean 135/95
7 Strict Pull Ups
400 M Run

Elite Comp Class:

1) Snatch 20 Mins
2 Rep Max
2 Reps @ 95% 2 RM
2 Reps @ 90% 2 RM

Hotshots 19
Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power clean 135/95
7 Strict Pull Ups
400 M Run


    [honeypot level]


    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


    Terms and Conditions for trial week

    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

      Still Have A Question?

      We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!

      [honeypot level]