Well done Ben Smith! CrossFit Games Champ 2015
Freedom WOD Classes
Strict press using 90% of your 1RM + 5lbs to calculate load
75% X 5
85% X 3
95% X 1+
15 min AMRAP
5 Push jerks 115/85
10 Pull ups
15 Double unders
Elite Competition Class
1. Bounding
5×1 – Seated Box Jump
2. Clean
A. 5×1 – Clean High Pull + Tall Clean.
*Clean High Pull – Bring bar to chest level. Tall clean – With locked out hips and knees, shrug and drop into squat. This is a technique primer. Light weights, fast movement.
B. EMOMx15, 3 Rounds:
Min 1 – 1 Squat Clean, 70%
Min 2 – 1 Squat Clean, 75%
Min 3 – 1 Squat Clean, 80%
Min 4 – 1 Squat Clean, 85%
Min 5 – 1 Squat Clean, 90%
3. Conditioning
Deadlifts (225/155)
400m Run
4. Accessory Work
3 Supersets:
15 Barbell Bent Over Rows
20 Glute Bridges
25 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Banded Good Mornings