Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Week Three: Functional Over Reaching
Snatch 85-90% + 15lbs of 1RM
5 x 1
8 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 155/110
40 Sit Ups
80 Double Unders 2:1/3:1
8 Power Snatch 155/110
80 Double Unders or 2:1/3:1
40 Sit Ups
8 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 155/110
Elite Competition Class
1. Sumo Dead Lift
4×6 reps for max load, unlimited rest between sets
2. Conditioning
3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Deads, Bodyweight
21 BJ, 24/20
3. Strength Accessory
A. 3×6 Single Leg Step ups (6/side before switching)
B. 3×6-10 Glute Ham Raises
C. 3×20 Weighted Sit up – feet anchored with dumbbell across chest