Warm Up: 10 Min
Bear Crawl Musical Chairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bt-g8WiAMc
Strength: 6 Min
Rotating ½ Tabata 20/10 (this will be 6 mins long)
Russian Twist 15/10 plate
Flutter Kicks
Metcon: 15 Min
15 Minute Versus AMRAP:
Alternate 200 M Runs, while other partner performs as many reps as possible at the following station
Rounds 1 & 4: Bench Press (135/95)
Rounds 2 & 5: Ring Dips
Rounds 3 & 6: Push-ups
And so on until the 15 mins expires!
Elite Competition Class
1) Back Squat 20 mins
10×3 Across
2) Strict Press 20 mins
10 min EMOM x 3 reps @ 70%
3) Conditioning
21 Bench Press (Body Weight / 65%)
Row 500 M
15 Bench Press (Body Weight / 65%)
Row 500 M
9 Bench Press (Body Weight / 65%)
Row 500 M