Warm Up: 10 Min
20 Double Unders or Double Under attempt (no singles)
10 Single Leg Broad Jump Squat
8 Inch warms
10 Straight Leg DL w/unloaded barbell
Strength: 15 Min
15 Min to establish a 1RM
Note: Your back must be flat for the lift to count
Metcon: 20 Min
10 Rounds
2 Deadlift 70% of new 1RM
20 Double Unders 2:1 singles
Max Effort Sit Ups
Rest 1 minutes between rounds.
Score is total number of sit ups
Elite Competition Class
1) Clean and Jerks 15 Mins
10 min EMOM x 3 reps + 1 Jerk @ 70%
Hang Sq Clean
2) Front Squats 20 mins
10×3 Across
3) Conditioning
Muscle Up Biathlon
18 Min Cap
400 M Run
18 MU
400 M Run
15 MU
400 M Run
12 MU
400 M Run
Each time the athlete breaks a set of MU they must run a 200 meter lap
for athletes that have 5 or more unbroken MU.