Warm Up:
Loading Week One
Back Squat 65% + 15 lbs of 1RM
4 x 8
Each team will have 1 rower. There will be a 20 min time cap.
The team will be required to accumulate 5000 meters on the rower.
One athlete will also be accumulating max effort burpees jumping onto a plate. Both feet including the heel of the foot must land on the plate each rep. Burpees can only be happening while another athlete on the team is hanging from a pull up bar.
5k time plus total burpees = score.
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
5 RFT:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters, 135/95
10 C2B pull ups
2. Strength
8 x 3 Back Squat
3. EMOMx8:
Odd: 60 Double Unders
Even: 5 Strict L-Sit Pull ups