Freedom WOD Classes
De-load Week
Bench Press using 90% of your 1RM to calculate load
40% X 5
50% X 5
60% X 5
20 min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups (Chest 2 Bar pull ups)
7 Burpees
15 Air Squats
Elite Competition Class
1. Pulls
3×3 Deads, across
2. Gymnastics Conditioning
A. 3×3 Strict Deficit HSPU
B. 3×6 Kipping Deficit HSPU
C. 3×9 Strict HSPU
D. 3×12 Kipping HSPU
3. Conditioning
Clean and Jerk, 135/95
4. Barbell Conditioning
4 RFT:
8 Power Cleans, 185/135
8 Front Squat, 185/135
8 Jerks, 185/135
3 min rest between rounds, goal is to go unbroken on all 24 reps