Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
2 Rounds:
200 M Row / .3 Bike
10/Side KB Bottoms Up Press
10/Side Lunges
Strength: 12 Mins
HSPU – 4×5
Strict, Negative, Deficit or Box
Mobility: 8 Mins
Glute and Quads – Roll or stretch
Home WOD: 10 Min Cap
4 Rounds For Max Reps:
200 M Run
1:00 Alternating Back Rack or KB/DB Step Ups or Lunges
Metcon: 10 Min Cap
Versus Workout – 4 Rounds / Athlete
Athlete 1:
15/12 Cal Row Or Bike – Don’t share machines
Athlete 2:
AMRAP Alternating Back Rack Step Ups (65/45)
*Trade stations every time the cals are completed
Elite Competition Class
5 Rounds Not For Time:
500 Meter Row
21 AbMat Sit-ups
12 Burpees
Performance Power Training
Thursday, July 16th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Close grip for wht/blu, then some static holds, then some pushups/burpee combos
Jet Fuel:
3x10yds forward and backwards
Bear Crawl
Crab walk
Small steel plate Prehab
-int/ext rotations
-front raise/lat raise/rear delt flyes
Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Close Grip Vs Chains
Max 5
AMRAP @80%
AMRAP @70%
-Secondary BB movement:
Overhead hold
3x:15 @100% Strict press weight
*Meaning it will have to be push pressed up
-Single arm DB rows
4×8 (each)
-DB Curls, DB Kickbacks
Lat bar over burpees
-10 Pushups after every set of burpees
*Scale pushup reps, then go to knees, then elevate
-then rest 2 minutes, then:
1 minute Max Pushups