Pain and Gain Hooligans, Pain and Gain!
Warm Up:
Row 250
30 Second Hand Stand Hold
7 Man Makers
5 min
LAX Ball Thoracic Spin
Strength: 12 Mins
3×8 Giant sets climbing
Bradford Press
DB Lateral Raise
DB Revers Fly
Tabata 20/10
Cal Row
1 Min Rest
Push Press 55/45
1 Min Rest
Hang Power Snatches 55/45
1 Min Rest
Ring Push Ups
Elite Competition Class
1. Gymnastics 15 mins
3 Supersets at the following decreasing %s of M.E Sets (90/80/70)
Strict Pull-ups – (same variation as M.E test)
Hollow Hold
3 Min Rest
2) Bench 15 Mins
10 Rep Max
10 Reps @ 75% 10RM
10 Reps @ 70% 10RM
3) Metcon:
10 Min AMRAP
8 Bar Facing Burpees 8 KBS (70/53)
4) Midline:
Tabata: 20/10
Plank Press
Russian Twists