Ashley’s Saturday Yoga class was awesome!! Thank you to everyone that participated in Yoga and Bring a Friend Saturday partner WOD.
Starting in July we will be offering a discounted rate for Yoga/Mobility in the way of monthly membership.
This will be done by adding an additional $10:00 to your monthly membership (DNR members only),
Otherwise each Yoga/Mobility class is $5.00 Drop in. The drop in rate is available to non DNR members wanting to participate in Yoga/Mobility.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Week Three: Functional Over Reaching
Front Squats 85% + 10lbs of 1RM
10 x 3
15 Minute AMRAP:
5 Deadlift 155/105
10 Ring Dips
Every Min On The 2nd Min Perform
100 meter run (garage door to Thunderbird and back) including min 0:00
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
“Isabel” 30 Snatches for time, 135/95
2. Snatch Accessory Work
5×1 Snatch Pulls, Climbing
3. Squat
3×2 Back Squat, across