Starting this Saturday, join us at 9:00am for Yoga with Ashley Malmlov! She gears her classes toward making us move better as CrossFitters in the movements we use every week. Do your body a favor and come work on your flexibility.
Saturday at 9:00am, bring your own mat! $5 per session. Non-CrossFit DNR athletes are welcome as well.
Warm Up:
Loading Week One
Back Squats 65% + 10 lbs of 1RM
4 x 8
Partner wod :
100 Cal Row
90 Wall Balls 20/14
80 Double Unders (per person) 2:1 Single
70 KB Sings 53/35
60 Box Jumps 24/20
50 M Single Arm KB Farmer Carry 53/35
40 Med Ball Cleans 20/14
30 Pull Ups
200 M Run as a team
10 Turkish Get Ups 53/35
Only one person can work at a time. Split reps up any way you chose.
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
3 RFT:
3 Jerks, 185/135
4 FS, 185/135
5 Cleans, 185/135
30 Pull ups
40 Push ups
50 Abmat Sit ups
2. Gymnastics Conditioning
EMOMx10: 4-8 unbroken Kipping HSPU