Join the CFDNR Hooligans in running the Firecracker 5K July 4th. Wear your best Red, White, and Blue!!!
Warm Up 5 Mins
3 Rounds of Cindy
Lax ball scaps 2 min per side
Strength: 15 mins
3×8 Super Sets Climbing
Strict Press
DB Lateral Raise
Metcon: 12 mins
4 Rounds w/3 mins to complete each round
21 KB Swings 53/35
15 Pull Ups
9 Push Press 115/95
You have 3 mins to complete each round. If you finish early you get rest. If you don’t finish the round before the 3 mins is up reset and start the new round from the top.
Elite Comp Class:
1) Gymnastics 15 mins
3 Supersets @ 1 additional rep from 2 weeks ago.
Strict Muscle Ups – (90+1 rep / 80+1 rep / 70+1 rep)
TTB – (90+1 rep / 80+1 rep / 70+1 rep)
3 Min Rest
2) Bench 15 Mins
8 Rep Max
8 Reps @ 80% 10RM
8 Reps @ 75% 10RM
3) Metcon:
Partner Workout
Partner 1 will complete a full round while partner number 2 rows for max cals. After a round is complete trade places and continue working.
15 Min AMRAP:
7 strict pull up
10 GHD
13 Wall ball
M.E Row for Cals
*Record Number of Rounds and Calories as separate scores*
4) Midline:
Rotating ½ Tabata 20/10 (this will be 6 mins long)
V-Ups/Knee Ups
Russian Twist 15/10 plate
Flutter Kicks