Freedom WOD Classes
15 Min to Establish:
1 RM Push Jerk
100 Pull ups
EMOM perform 4 Box Jumps
Elite Competition Class
1. Strength
3×6 OHS, climbing
2. Barbell Conditioning
Teams of 3:
A. AMRAP 7 of Thrusters:
50 reps at 95/65
50 reps at 115/80
AMRAP at 135/95
3 min Rest
B. AMRAP 7 of Hang Power Clean:
50 reps at 135/95
50 reps at 155/105
AMRAP at 185/135
3 min Rest
C. AMRAP 7 of Dead Lift:
50 reps at 185/135
50 reps at 225/155
AMRAP at 275/185
3. Conditioning
12 Power Snatch, 95/65
12 Wall Ball, 20/14
12 Row for Cals.