24/7 access included in membership

May 3, 2016 by thao



MiroMobility.JPGYou ask and you shall receive! Starting this Saturday from 9:00am to 10:00am 


This is a pilot class and will continue if there is the demand for it. Cost per class will be $8.00 per person. 

There is NO class sign up on Mindbodyonline. If you plan on attending the class please just show up on time and be ready to get supple.


Freedom WOD Classes

Warm Up:

Week Three: Functional Over Reaching
Jerk 85% of 1RM
10 x 3

15 min AMRAP
55 Double-unders
15 Push Ups
5 Deadlift  155/105

Elite Competition Class

1. Skill Transfer
Split Jerk Strict Press – 3×3
Split jerk the bar overhead, then perform 3 strict presses from the front rack while your feet remain in the “split catch” position. This should not be for a max load.

2. Strength/Skill Transfer
Jerk Balance – 3×3
Split jerk the bar overhead, then back your front foot up 4″. From a front rack position jerk the bar overhead while moving the front foot back to the proper “split catch” position.  This should not be for a max load.  Video demo courtesy of Catalyst Athletics – video.

3. Strength
1RM Split Jerk

4. Stamina
EMOMx5: 4-8 unbroken Strict HSPU
Row 75 Calories
EMOMx5: 4-8 unbroken Strict HSPU
-the goal here is to pick a number you think you can hold for all 10 rounds. Don’t bit off more than you can chew. I’d rather have you feel like you could have done more, than to start failing reps.




    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


    Terms and Conditions for trial week

    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

      Still Have A Question?

      We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!