Freedom WOD Classes
Strict Press
3 x 8
Push Press
2 x 8
Metcon: Tabata
Row for Calories
Double Unders
Ground to Overhead (135/95)
Plank Holds
Elite Competition Class
1. Barbell Conditioning
Teams of 3 (1 athlete works at a time):
With a running clock…
A. In 7 mins complete:
50 Back Squats, 135/95
50 Back Squats, 185/135
AMRAP Back Squats, 225/155 in remaining time.
Back squats can be taken from a rack.
Rest 3 minutes
B. In 7 mins complete:
50 Strict Shoulder Press, 95/65
50 Strict Shoulder Press, 115/80
AMRAP Strict Shoulder Press, 135/95 in remaining time.
Presses can be taken from a rack.
Rest 3 minutes
C. In 7 mins complete:
50 Dead Lifts, 185/135,
50 Dead Lifts, 225/155
AMRAP Dead Lifts, 275/185 in remaining time.