Freedom WOD Classes
7 Min Team WOD
Hollow Body Holds/Rocks
Arch Holds/Rocks
3 Min Rest
7 Rounds of 50 M Sprint
1 Minute Rest Between Sprints
3 Min Rest
Double Unders
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
3×3 at 75%
2×2 at 80%
1×1 at 85%
2×2 at 80%
3×3 at 75%
unlimited rest between sets
2. Strength
5×10 Back Squat, climbing
3. Conditioning
“Filthy 50″
50 Box Jumps, 24/20
KBS, 1-pood
Jumping Pull-Up, bar at mid forearm when standing
Walking Lunge
Toes to Bar (this is not a typo)
Push Press, 45/35
Hip Ext
Wall Ball 20/14
Double unders