Thanks again to everyone that participated in the 2016 CrossFit Opens. We still have a few athletes that need to do 16.5. Once everyone has done it and scores are in, we will build the finial CFDNR leader board.
Big Thanks to Kill Cliff for coming out to support us on our last Saturday Night Lights! Please make sure you give them a big shout out on social media..
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Pizza Delivery
5 Rounds with a 15 min Cap
12 KBS 53/35
12 T-2-B
50 Unbroken Double Unders
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
9-15-21 reps for time of:
Row for calories
Power Snatches, 115/80
2. Strength
1×2 Hang Squat Clean
3. Strength
3×3 Front Squats
4. Strength
4×8 Bent Over Barbell Row