Freedom WOD Classes
Flight Simulator (Unbroken DU – 5, 10, 15,…50, 45,40…5)
Metcon:20 Minutes of Burpees!!!
During Each 60 Second Period Perform the Following Number of Burpees
1. 20 Burpees
2. 73. 13
4. 10
5. 1
6. 19
7. 4
8. 16
9. 8
10. 12
11. 3
12. 17
13. 5
14. 15
15. 11
16. 9
17. 18
18. 2
19. 14
20. 6
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
With a running clock
Thrusters, 95/65
Box Jumps, 24/20
rest equal time, then…
Calorie Row
Bar Facing Burpees