Freedom WOD Classes
PVC Drills – Cleans, Pulls 2 and 3
Hang Power Cleans
5 x 5
Metcon: “Nancy”
5 Rounds For Time:
400 M Run
15 O.H. Squats (95/65)
Elite Competition Class
1. Strength
2×10 Back Squat
2. Conditioning
Teams of 3 complete AMRAP 16 of the following triplet:
10 Front Squats, 185/135
20 C2B
30 Deads 185/135
Athlete 1 and 2 start on the triplet (one athlete working at a time). Athlete 3 starts on a rower and completes 500m Row before switching with a teammate. One teammate must always be rowing, and you must switch every 500m. Score is total rounds + reps of the triplet.