24.2 is here and heats are up on Mindbody!
We’d love to see as many of you there for Friday Night Lights as possible. Anyone who is able to come and stay through the end to cheer on your fellow athletes will gain an extra entry into the shoe raffle that will take place at the after party.
After Party Details:
When: Friday 3/15
Where: Taco Stop
Time: After Friday Night Lights. Exact time not yet set
Freedom WOD Classes
Metcon: 15 Mins Cap
“Open WOD 24.2”
20 Min AMRAP
300 M Row
10 Deadlifts 185/125
50 DU
300 M Row
10 Deadlifts 135/95
50 Single Unders
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Session 1: Steady State Effort averaging 120-130 BPM for 15 Minutes.
Choose ONE from…
1) Weighted Vest Uphill Walk
2) Bike x 15 Minutes / Row x Minutes / Ski or Walk Uphill x Minutes
3) Bike x 10 Minutes, then w/ remaining 5 minutes perform AMRAP 20 Light Russian KB Swings / 20 Ab-mat Sit-Ups
4) Step Machine or Elliptical for x 10 Minutes, then in remaining 5 minutes EMOM 6-10 Burpees each min
Session 2: 60 Minutes
Legs Day The Day We Die
180 Walking Lunges
1 Set Do Not Rest Or Pause
Leg Extensions
6 sets 50 reps, 60 reps, 70 reps, 80 reps, 100 reps
no more than 60 sec between each set.
4 Way Hack Squat
3 Sets x 20 Reps at each
20 Feet Together
20 Heels in Toes out
20 Feet Wide Halfway up
20 Feet Wide Full ROM
try to take as little rest as possible between the variations
Deadlift SuperSet
3 Sets
10 each leg Split Stance KB Deadlift
20 Sumo Deadlift (barbell)
Squat Till You Drop Then Get Up and Do More
1 Set x 100 Reps
pick a weight that you can get 50 to 60 reps, fall over, throw up, change the weight, finish, throw up again