We still have to wait until April 5th to verify but it looks like we have several athletes moving to the Quarterfinals!
Annie Campain
Bailey Baumgaertner
Reagan Cyphers
Kirsten Martin
Shivaun Mcartor
TJ Snyder
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 Mins
2 Rounds
200 M Row, Ski,
5 Inchworms
10 Anchor Point T-2-B
5 Spealler Rows
Mobility Between Strength Sets
Strength: 20 mins
Deadlift 10 Mins to find a
6 Rep Max
Then 10 Mins to do
6 Reps @ 75% 6RM
6 Reps @ 70% 6RM
Home WOD: 16 Min Cap
In Teams of Two Complete (can also be done solo)
16 Min AMRAP
80 M Run or 8/6 Cal Row/Bike/Ski Erg
6 Deadlift 155/115
4 T-2-B
Complete a full round then rest while your partner does the same, keep alternating until time expires. Only one person can work at a time. No Partner = equal rest to work. If you take 60 sec to complete a round then you will rest 60 sec before starting again.
Metcon: 16 mins
In Teams of Two Complete
16 Min AMRAP
8/6 Cal Row or Ski Erg (No Bikes allowed, share rowers/Ski if needed)
6 Deadlift 155/115
4 T-2-B
Complete a full round then rest while your partner does the same, keep alternating until time expires. Only one person can work at a time.