Warm Up: 10 mins
250 Row
25 Hollow Rocks
30 Superman
Mobility: 8 min
Lax Ball Glutes, TFL, and Hip Flexors
Strength: 6 Min
Rotating ½ Tabata 20/10 (this will be 6 mins long)
Russian Twist 15/10 plate
Flutter Kicks
Metcon: 20 Mins
With A Partner
Flat Bench GHD Sit Ups (scale to ab mat sit ups as needed)
Wall Balls (20/14)
Split reps equally and alternate as needed.
Scaling options for GHD is as follows:
1)GHD for half of the reps/ab mat sit ups for half the reps.
2)GHD for 1/4 of the reps/ab mat sit ups for 3/4 of the reps.
3)No GHD and all ab mat sit ups.
Elite Comp Class:
1) Back Squat 20 mins
8×4 Across
2) Strict Press 15 mins
6 Rep Max
6 Reps @ 80% 6 RM
6 Reps @ 75% 6 RM
3) Conditioning
EMOM x 10
5 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
5 Push Jerks 155/105
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
Even: 3 Muscle Ups