Last day to sign up to get a CrossFit DNR Opens shirt is Wednesday the 3rd. So far we have 50 people registered for the Opens, keep it up and lets get as many athletes as possible to sign up.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
EMOM for 5 mins
10 Toe-2-Bar beginner/intermediate
15 Toe-2-Bar intermediate/advanced
15 mins Hips/Ankles/Shoulder
10 mins of Snatch Technique
3 Rounds 15 min cap
20 Double Unders 2:1 single (advanced athletes DU unbroken)
20 Burpees
20 Wall Balls 20/14
Elite Competition Class
take 10 mins to work snatch bar path
1. Snatch
EMOMx10: 1 Snatch – you choose the weight
2. Conditioning
“The Admiral”
3 RFT:
20 Burpee Pull ups
20 Front Squats, 155/105
20 Box Jumps, 24/20
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
5-5-5 unbroken Muscle ups
Rest 5 minutes
4-4-4 unbroken Muscle ups
Rest 5 minutes
3-3-3 unbroken Muscle ups