Freedom WOD Classes
8 x 4
Partner Metcon:
20 Min AMRAP
7 GHD Sit-ups
Shuttle Run 25 Meters – 50 Meters (150 M total)
7 KB Swings (53/35)
Shuttle Run 25 Meters – 50 Meters (150 M total)
*One Partner Completes an Entire Round While Other Partner Rests, Then Switch*
Elite Competition Class
1. Squat
A. 10RM Back Squat
B. 3RM Front Squat
2. Conditioning
Teams of 3
20 Min AMRAP:
Station 1: Row for Calories
Station 2: 50′ Hang Double KB Walking lunge, 2-pood/1.5-pood
Station 3: Rest
Rotate stations when lunge is complete. Score is total calories on the rower.
3 RFT:
30 Hip Extensions