Job well done to the 6 athletes that participated in the Sassy Savvy Comp this weekend. Marie even came home with a 2nd place finish..
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
EMOM for 5 mins
5 Burpees beginner/intermediate
15 Burpees intermediate/advanced
The Break Up
Death by 20 m Sprints 18 min cap
Rest 1 Min
The Make Up
10 min AMRAP
Over Head Lunges w/plate 45/35
Rest 1 Min
The I Hate You
30 Unbroken Double Unders or 90 Unbroken Single
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
“Open 13.4”
CJ, 135/95
2. Snatch
work up to a heavy 3-Position Squat Snatch
Pos 1: Hips
Pos 2: Just above knees
Pos 3: Floor
3. Squat
3×5 Front Squat